Theoretical and Applied Aspects of Cybernetics
International Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists
Registration for the conference has been started
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Paper’s Formatting Rules

  1. The paper must be formed[1] using template in LaTeX format. This template contains the specially designed style file, which uses some common, but still not standard packages. Detailed recommendations about paper formatting are given in the template.
  2. The paper must have the following structure:
    • Abstract — a brief overview of work, in particular the main results, achievements, applications, prospects, etc. (50-200 words).
    • Keywords
    • Categories[2] of the ACM Computing Classification System (ACM 2012 ) or Mathematical Subject Classification (MSC 2010 ).
    • UDC code (UDC ).
    • Introduction — statement of research problem, its relevance and connection with other problems in concrete fields of science.
    • The main part of the article, which may consist of several chapters that contain:
      1. A brief analysis of the achievements in this area recently, which author uses as basic.
      2. The formulation of the problems which the author explores in his work.
      3. Description of the content of personal research, elucidation of the main findings and results: personal ideas, thoughts, received scientific facts, the program of the experiment, etc.
      4. Analysis of the obtained results.
    • Conclusions — the results of the work, assessment of the problem solving level, formulated in the introduction, review the prospects for future research and practical application of the obtained results.
    • References.
    • Information about authors.
  3. The paper must be done in English.
  4. References to all used sources must be in the paper's text.
  5. It is forbidden to use the results of your research, which are commercial or state secrets and cannot be disclosed.
  6. You must upload on the website of the conference *.zip or *.rar archive, which contains files in *.tex and *.bib format and files of images[3] which you use in your paper.


We recommend you to use MikTeX for compiling you paper. Sure you can use another distribution, which supports Latex2ε.

If you have problems with formatting your paper to LaTeX and you cannot solve them by yourself, you can mail us

[1] You can independently mark up your paper according to the template or we can do it for you.

[2] If your paper refers to section Applied Mathematics, you should use MSC 2010 , in other cases — ACM 2012 .

[3] Pay attention that the insertion of external images is available in *.pdf/*.png/*.jpeg/*.gif. If your images are available in *.eps or *.ps, convert them to *.pdf, please.

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Important dates TAAC'2014

  • 20.10.2014 — Registration Deadline.
  • 20.10.2014 — Paper Submission Deadline.
  • 30.10.2014 — Notification of Acceptance/Rejection.
  • 06.11.2014 — Submission of Revised Version.
  • 24.11.2014 — Conference Opening.
  • 28.11.2014 — Conference Closing.

About the Conference

Ideology of the conference

Call for Papers:

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